If you are filing for a divorce in Phoenix, you may need some guidance from a divorce lawyer. The good news is that a professional can help you through the process and get you to where you want to be.
Divorce can be a stressful and daunting process. Getting an experienced attorney to handle your case is the best way to ensure that you get what you deserve. A Phoenix divorce lawyer can guide you through the process and explain all of the options available. In addition, a professional will help you through the pitfalls that may occur along the way.
You might find that your Phoenix divorce lawyer can help you settle a child support issue. Regardless of the reason for your divorce, you should take the time to make sure you are receiving adequate child support. Child support is a federal right, so a lawyer should be able to provide you with the information you need.
One of the most important aspects of your Phoenix divorce is the division of property. Assets include real estate, retirement accounts, personal property, and other investments. These assets are classified as separate property or community property, depending on who owns them. However, they cannot be sold without the other party’s consent.
Your Phoenix divorce attorney can also help you determine if you should file for an annulment or a legal separation. This is a less expensive alternative to a divorce and is often necessary for couples with a high net worth.
Other factors affecting the Arizona divorce process are how much money the parties have, the marital responsibilities of each party, and the couple’s age and temperament. For example, a young couple with children might require spousal support. Another consideration is how to split shared bank accounts and other financial matters. Having an experienced Phoenix divorce lawyer on your side can make the difference between getting what you deserve and ending up with a mountain of debt.
To file for a divorce in Arizona, you and your spouse must complete a petition that includes all of your requests. Typically, a judge will grant you a divorce if both of you are agreeable to the terms of the petition. Once your petition is served on your spouse, he or she has 30 days to respond. It is important that you understand the nuances of the divorce process so that you can minimize the potential for dispute.
Some of the more common divorce questions involve the differences between separate and community property. The most important aspect of this topic is that the assets of both parties must be properly valued before the division can be completed. Many times, the parties withhold this information, making the process more complicated than it needs to be.
The best Phoenix divorce lawyer will help you navigate the process and come out on top. Whether you have a few simple issues to resolve, or many complicated ones, an experienced attorney can ensure that you get a fair settlement.